In the Know: Insider Tips for Effective Client Management Systems

Clients relationship management (CRM) is the process of fostering familiarity, affinity, and trust with clients, distinguishing your organisation from competitors. By understanding client behavior and needs, you can strategically position your company to be their preferred choice. This is achieved through the art and science of Clients relationship management (CRM). Simply put, CRM involves managing all aspects of your relationship with clients to build familiarity, affinity, and trust. This entails a well-considered plan of attack executed by your team.

 Best Practices

  • Start early: Interact with clients before and during the proposal process to shape their thinking.

  • Develop and execute a contact plan: Strategically plan client interactions, including who to visit, what to communicate, when to visit, why, and how.

  • Approach client meetings strategically: Prepare, document outcomes, and ensure multiple team members attend for diverse perspectives.

  • Develop a marketing communications plan: Coordinate messaging delivery through various channels using a structured plan.

Application in Diverse Environments

Use of external resources in larger environments: CRM is handled by sales or business development experts who collect information provided to the proposal team. In larger organisations, various resources like consultants and government liaisons may be engaged to interact with clients. Coordination is key to ensure effectiveness.

Recent Trends

Use of CRM software: Software aids in electronic capture, organization, and analysis of client data, enhancing CRM efficiency and effectiveness.

Interacting with global clients: Cultural awareness is crucial in international business interactions to avoid missteps and foster successful relationships.

Common Pitfalls and Misconceptions

Focusing only on high-ranking clients employees: Engage with clients across all levels, including those involved in RFP development and evaluation, to foster meaningful connections.

 Misunderstanding of CRM’s role: CRM is not solely about tracking opportunities but also about planning and executing client interactions, capturing relationship history, and providing context for future management.


  • Clients prefer contractors they know, like, and trust, making CRM crucial.

  • Early engagement, strategic planning, and coordinated execution are vital for effective CRM.

  • Software tools are available to enhance CRM efficiency.

  • Cultural awareness and holistic client engagement are essential for successful CRM outcomes.


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