Chastain Consulting

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End-to-End Process: Streamlining Business Development

An end-to-end process serves as a systematic roadmap for organisation s, guiding their business development (BD) efforts from inception to success. This comprehensive BD process acts as a crucial tool for teams, providing clarity on their current position, future goals, and the path to achieve them. Organisations often contemplate reengineering their BD processes due to various factors such as mergers, management changes, or unmet sales targets.

Key Elements of a Generic BD Process:

Phases: The BD process typically involves eight phases, each addressing specific activities crucial for success.

1.      Market Identification: Segmenting markets to tailor offers based on distinct attributes.

2.      Account Planning: Crafting sales plans for major customers, covering multiple opportunities.

3.      Opportunity/Capture Assessment: Researching and assessing opportunities aligned with organisation al goals.

4.      Opportunity/Capture Planning: Preparing plans tailored to specific opportunities, outlining strategies.

5.      Proposal Planning: Strategising bid or proposal efforts concurrent with positioning and sales.

6.      Proposal Development: Creating, reviewing, and approving bids or proposals.

7.      Negotiation: Preparing and conducting final negotiations after proposal submission.

8.      Delivery: Implementing the negotiated solution and maintaining positive customer relationships.

Bid Decisions: Progression between phases is determined by bid decisions, addressing business and strategic issues. These decisions significantly impact resource allocation and mitigate investment in low-probability opportunities.

Critical Bid Decisions:

  • Market Entry Decision: Aligning market segments with strategic goals.

  • Opportunity Qualification Decision: Assessing whether an opportunity merits resource allocation for research and assessment.

  • Bid Pursuit Decision: Committing resources to developing opportunity plans and influencing customer preference.

  • Bid/No-Bid Decision: Evaluating whether positioning justifies planning for proposal development.

  • Bid Validation Decision: Assessing ongoing opportunity worthiness and proposal preparation.

  • Final Review: Deciding on proposal submission based on anticipated rewards and programmatic risk.

Team Reviews: Focused on enhancing pursuit quality, team reviews address tactical and execution issues, providing constructive recommendations for improvement.

  • Market Assessment

  • Account Review

  • Competitor Review

  • Opportunity/Capture Plan Review

  • Content Plan Review

  • Final Document Review

  • Business Case Review/Senior Management Review

  • Lessons Learned Review

  • Project Review

Outputs: Developed in each phase, outputs become inputs for subsequent phases. These include essential plans, strategies, and documents vital for progressing through the BD process.

Key Outputs:

  • Market Strategy

  • Account Plan

  • Competitive Intelligence

  • Opportunity/Capture Plan

  • Pricing Strategy

  • Proposal Management Plan

  • Proposal Responsibility Matrix

  • Proposal Outline

  • Response Matrix

  • Style Sheet

  • Content Plan

  • Proposal Budget

  • Executive Summary

  • Proposal

  • Best and Final Offer (BAFO)

  • Products and Services

Best Practices for Successful Implementation:

  • Create a Documented, Unified Process: Organisation s benefit from a defined BD process, experiencing higher win rates, lower costs, increased productivity, and improved forecasting.

  • Align with the Customer's Buying Cycle: Tailor BD phases to synchronize with the customer's changing interests throughout the buying cycle.

  • Make the Process Flexible and Scalable: Design a process adaptable to different opportunity categories, ensuring scalability based on opportunity size, deadlines, and available resources.

  • Clearly Define Roles: Establish clear roles, distinguishing between positions and roles, and identify supporting organisation s crucial for BD success.

  • Develop Needed Staff Competencies: Identify necessary competencies based on roles, allowing organisation s to plan and provide essential training for BD teams.

  • Ensure Consistent, Disciplined Use: Implementing and sustaining an effective BD process requires management focus, continuous effort, and a change-management plan to overcome resistance.

Common Pitfalls and Misconceptions:

  • Lack of discipline and accountability

  • Lack of support with tools and training

  • Corporate inertia and changing priorities

In conclusion, a well-defined end-to-end BD process is indispensable for achieving high levels of capability maturity. It acts as a guide, ensuring organisation s consistently navigate the complexities of business development, leading to increased success and competitiveness in the market.